The taste and the flavors of the mediterranean diet

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Inside there is a spacious dining room where you can sample delicious local home-cooked dishes including fish fresh from the sea, sausages and salami made from the meat of the wild boar and fresh young vegetables dressed with the finest extra-virgin olive oil and to complement these flavours, choose from excellent local red or white wines.
All the fresh fish comes from the unpolluted waters of Ogliastro Marina and Santa Maria and San Marco di Castellabate, while the hotel owner’s farming estate provides the rest of the organically grown produce. You can also dine on two magnificent open air terraces overlooking the sea with a view that stretches from Acciaroli to Punta Ogliasto, just behind which you can glimpse that historical and natural treasure trove, the magical island of Licosa, making you feel just as if you were aboard a ship in the midst of the deep blue Mediterranean.

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